Sunday, June 3, 2012

Easy homemade pesto sauce

This year I have had surprising success with my herbs! For once they have not
(yet) died on me! So I found myself having to trim my basil to strengthen it and wondering what to do with 5 bunches of basil. Soooo I decided to make some simple pesto-style sauce which is great with pork and chicken! So here is the simple recipe:


- 4-5 cups of basil leaves (take them off the stems)
- 2 tbsp olive oil (you can always add more depending on how you want it)
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 tbsp capers
- parmesan (optional as this makes it heavier)
- 2-3 anchovies (optional, I would not use this if you are going to use it as sauce on pork)

NOTE: you can always make more and place in a jar. Just increase the quanities

Place everything in a food processor until all pieces are well blended. Then you can just use it anywhere:
a) place it on pork chops or chicken pieces and then cook in the oven for a very light and tasty meal
b) use it in pasta
c) cut potatoes into small cubes, mix in pesto sauce , place on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper and then cook in over at 180C

pork chops

chicken pieces

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