Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Most Amazing Brownies EVER

Now we all love a good brownie no? The problem that I find is that rarely do people bake brownies the way they are supposed to be ie. moist and decadent! I usually get these dried up weird in between cake/brownie things that just are not worth the calories!! So after a very long time searching for the ideal recipe for my dream brownies I finally came across the perfect ones, courtesy of Nigella Lawson (from her cook book "How to be a Domestic Goddess').
Its easy, never fails and DELICIOUS!

- 375g soft unsalted butter
-375g dark chocolate (just like with my cookies, I use Cadbury's Bourneville Chocolate)
-6 large eggs
-1 tbsp vanilla extract (because in Cyprus this is difficult to come by, I used 2 sachets of vanilla sugar)
-500g caster sugar
-225g plain flour
-1 tsp salt


1. Preheat oven to 180C. Line your brownie pan with greaseproof paper (use a large pan about 33 x 23 x 5 1/2 cm).

2. Chop the chocolate and melt together with the butter in a heavy based pan

3. While they are melting beat the eggs, sugar & vanilla in a measuring jug (this is to make it easier for pouring later, if its difficult, mix them in a bowl and then transfer the mixture to a jug). Also measure the flour and salt in another bowl

4. When the chocolate & butter has melted let it cool a but before beating in the egg mixture. IT IS ESSENTIAL that you keep mixing while you pour to prevent the eggs from cooking in the chocolate!!

5. Then add the flour (bit by bit otherwise you will get it me he he he ). Mix that in well.Then pour into your baking tin.

6. Bake for 25 minutes (if you want them a little more runny and moorish then take them out after 20 minutes!

USE A TIMER!! The secret to brownies is not to over cook them! 
When you take them out of the oven the mixture will be very soft in the middle 
Dont be afraid that is how they are supposed to be! Otherwise you will get the 
weird inbetween cake things! 

7. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for min 30 mins before you cut them up into squares. And for an extra presentation, dust them a bit with icing sugar!! 

Xmas Coconut Treats

Merry Xmas everyone and a Happy New Year! I hope that you all enjoyed the holidays, and if they were anything like mine, it probably consisted of a ridiculous amount of eating he he he
Well since we are still slightly in the festive mood (I always have a problem saying good bye to Xmas ) I thought I would share with you a traditional Xmas treat recipe that my mum has made since I can remember.
It is a traditional Egyptian recipe that she learnt from my grandmother who lived many years in Cairo.
Apart from the fact they look (and taste) yummy, they are also RIDICULOUSLY easy!
Here you go:


-1 can of sweet condensed milk
-250gr bag of dried coconut
-Extra coconut to coat the treats
-Green and Red Glace Cherries

[This mixture makes about 12 small treats. For the amount that I made now, I tripled the ingredients, ie 3 cans with 3 bags of coconut. ]


1. Preheat oven to 180 C and cover a tray with greasproof paper
2.  Mix the condensed milk and the coconut in a bowl until you get a mixture that can be easily moulded.

NOTE: if you need to add more coconut than the bag contains then do so. You do not want a very runny mixture. 

3. Next take small amounts of the mixture and roll it in your hands. They should be maximum 2-3cm in diameter, (dont make them too big as they lose their 'charm'). They coat them in the extra coconut you have. TIP: to make moulding easier, put a little bit of water on your palms to make it easier to roll the dough. 

4. Next place all the treats on the tray and decorate them with glace cherries (you will find that one cherry per treat is way too big so you will need to cut them into quarters)

5. Place them in the over FOR A MAXIMUM of 10-15 minutes. You just want them to get golden brown, be very careful as they burn very easily. 

AND VOILA! adorable looking xmas treats! [also great for parties] 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fool- Proof Pizza Dough

Here is a great recipe for when you are going to have some friends over and you want to make a quick and easy meal. Homemade pizza is a great answer! You usually have all the ingredients you need at home and concerning the topping you can place pretty much anything you have in the house.


Makes one large baking tray

 For the Dough
- 4 1/2 cups of plain flour
- 1 1/2 tsp salt
- 3 sachets of ready-to-use yeast
- 9 tbsp olive oil
- Luekwarm water (enough to knead the dough)

For the tomato sauce base
- One tin of tomato passata
- 3 tbsp tomato puree
- 1 tbsp Balsamic vinegar
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp salt


- Sift the flour into a mixing bowl, add the salt and the yeast.
-Mix in the olive oil with a spoon
-Slowly add the lukewarm water until you have a sticky dough
- Allow dough to rise for 1 hour or so (the dough should double in size)

- Preheat oven to 200 C
- Take your tray and grease it thoroughly with olive oil
- Then with your hands place the dough in the tray, making sure it reaches all the corners
- Then make the tomato base by mixing all the above ingredients and place onto the pizza base
- Then you can add any topping you like. My favourites are goat's cheese, fresh basil & of course mozarella for the top. Also try porcini mushrooms & prosciutto.
- Bake in the oven for 40 mins


Woopdedoop #5: Trip to Stockholm

Sorry it has been so long since my last post! I really did not realise how time has completely flown by! Well I have many new recipes that I would like to share with you but firstly lets start with my recent trip to Stockholm. Now for those of you who have never visited Sweden and in particular Stockholm, I must say you will be completely blown away.
Apart from the beautiful scenery, architecture, design and that 'perfect' Swedish way of life, Stockholm is an absolute haven for a foodie. The local cuisine is perfect (if you like fish and meat), but what really excited me is the vast array of international and local cuisine that can be found throughout the city.
Below I have posted some photos from my trip and finish off with my most FAVOURITE discovery...swedish chocolate balls.

View from my hotel! waking up to this everyday :)
Mussles with White wine and Garlic sauce!!!!!
Accompanies by one of the many local beers
The most amazing Corque Monsieur I have had
A MUST if you visit Stockholm!!
And the desserts......
AND FINALLY.... chocolate balls!!!

- 4 cups of rolled oats
- 1 1/4 cups sugar
- 1/2 cup cocoa powder
- 1 cup sofetned unsalted butter
- 2 tbsp strong coffee
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/3 cup shredded coconut
1. Mix the oats, sugar and cocoa in a bowl. Add the butter and use your hands to mix the ingredients together to make a thick dough. Mix in the coffee and vanilla.
2. Place the coconut in a seperate bowl
3. Pinch off small amounts of the dough and roll them into little balls. Then roll them in the coconut so that the entire ball is coated. Balls are ready to eat. For a better texture, place them in the refrigerator for 2 hours. ENJOY!


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Yoghurt Chicken with Olives & Lemony Roast Potatoes

This recipe is ideal for a dinner with friends. Actually I thought of it when I was going to have some friends over and was thinking what the hell to do. I hadnt managed to go supermarket shopping that day so I was out of the usual condiments that I like adding like pesto, mushrooms, sundried tomatoes etc. I ALWAYS have yoghurt at home (you will see the trend in my recipes) and I had some delicious marinated greek olives so I thought why not?
Also these oven roasted potatoes are a perfect side to any dish AND they are not drenched in oil like most roast potatoes (not that I mind but maybe the more health conscious of you will prefer :) ).
So here goes:


For the chicken:
- 4 large fillets of chicken
- 3 garlic cloves
- 2 cups of Greek Yoghurt
- 1 cup of pitted green olives (I used pimento olives)
- 2 tsp Italian herb mix (oregano, basil, thyme )
- sea salt + freshly ground pepper

For the potatoes:
- 6 large potatoes
- The juice of 2 large lemons (it must be greshly squeezed)
-3 tbsp of English mustard
- 1 tbsp soya sauce
-Sea salt  + freshly ground pepper



1) Slice 2 garlic cloves into slivers. Pierce the chicken fillets and place a sliver of garlic in them, (this not only gives a lovely sweet garlic taste to an ordinarily bland fillet but it also allows the marinade to penetrate the meat better making it even more tender).
2) Place the chicken in a bowl and add 1 tsp of herbs and the 2 cups of yoghurt. Mix well, cover with clingfilm and leave overnight in the fridge to marinate. NOTE: if you forget, then try to leave it for minimum 1 hour before you cook it.
3) Preheat your oven to 180 C and line a baking tray with grease proof paper (TIP: I find that this has a magical way of keeping the chicken from burning too quickly!)
4) Remove chicken from the fridge and plac onto a baking tray. Dont forget to put all of the marinade in with the chicken.
5) Add the remaining 1 tsp of herbs and season with salt and pepper
6) Take the olives and slice them thinly. Then stuff the fillets with the sliced olives. Place them everywhere! Under the fillets, in between, on top etc.
7) Cover with tin foil and bake for 15 mins
8) After the 15mins, remove the foil and continue to bake for 15 - 20 mins until thoroughly cooked

1)Preheat the oven to 180C, and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper
2) Peel the potatoes and slice into wedges, place into the baking tray and drizzle with olive oil

3)Mix the freshly squeezed  lemon juice, soya sauce and mustard together in a bowl and add to the potatoes.
4) Season with salt and pepper and mix with your hands to ensure that the sauce has been equally distributed!
5)Place in the oven and cook for approx an hour. NOTE: check on the potatoes every 20 mins to prevent the top ones from burning.

SOOOOOOO after this you get a lovely, light dinner for 4 people! Enjoy!

Turron de Avena (Chocolate Oat Wafer Bars)

We were talking with my Argentinian friend one day about childhood treats that we miss (eg.  chocolate rice crispies, flapjacks etc) and he told me about one of his favourites which was Turron de Avena (chocolate oat bars). They are a staple in all Argentinian households!
 I happen tp LOOVE anything to do with oats so I asked him to send me the recipe they used to use so I could try it out. Guys they are unbelievably easy and ridiculously mourish!!
Try them out!


- 3 packs of plain cream/water crackers (make sure that they have no salt or other flavourings)
-12 tbsp of sugar
-12 tbsp of milk
-12 tbsp of oats
-12 tbsp of cocoa (if want it extra sweet you can also use Nesquick)
-200 grams of unsalted butter


1) Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat
2) When it melts add the cocoa, sugar, milk and last the oats. Mix well and allow the mixture to cook for 3 mins (continue to stir so as to avoid it burning on the bottom).
3) Then layer the bottom of a tray with the crackers. Add a layer of the mixture (use a spatula to spread it evenly to create a layer).
4) Then repeat this so you have another 2 layers of crackers finishing off with a layer of the mixture.
5) Place the tray in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours so it can set, then cut into small squares and serve.....AND THATS IT!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Stuffed Mushrooms with Goats Cheese

I find that when preparing dinner for friends, these stuffed mushrooms are always a great success. And they are sooo easy!

- Button mushrooms (depending on how many people you will have)
- Goats cheese
- Olive oil
- Fresh basil

1) Preheat oven to 180C
2) Remove the stems from the mushrooms, drizzle the mushrooms with some olive oil and then stuff with goats cheese
3) Place in the oven until the mushrooms are grilled and the goats cheese becomes golden.
4) Remove and garnish with fresh basil.